Git commands cheatsheet for your next interview
In the article below I will be covering the basic commands to get started with git. These are mostly asked in the interviews as well.
Common Commands (All commands should be run without the <> brackets)
- git log shows commit ids. The latest commit is at the top.
- git log -p — lists the changed files
- git checkout -b develop checks out a new branch called “develop”
- git checkout init_devices switches branch to init_devices
- git checkout <commit_number> goes to a specific commit
- git checkout -b 1234 origin/mainline checks out a new branch called “1234”, that “tracks” origin/mainline, meaning “local branch has its upstream set to a remote branch”
- git status lists new or modified files not yet committed
- git diff <commit_number> compares current code to any commit
- git add * adds all files to “Staging”. Ready for commit
- git add <file> adds a specific file to “Staging”. Ready for commit.
- git commit -m “Put Message Here” commits locally
- git commit — amend” updates commit by amending your new changes to it. Must run after “add” command.
- git commit — amend -m “an updated commit message” updates the commit, and its commit message.
- git branch says which branch we’re on
- git push pushes code to the branch we’re on
- git push origin <my_branch> pushes to a specific branch. I think origin is a keyword. Reference
- git pull pulls all changed files
- git cherry-pick <commit_number> adds a specific commit to your branch
More commands
- git rm <file> removes the file from server (Must then do a commit, then push)
- git ls-files | xargs wc -l counts # of lines of code in a Github repo.
- git config — global — edit Edit git commit signature
- git branch -d the_local_branch Removes local branch. Link
- git rebase -i HEAD~3 combines the last 3 commits into 1 commit. Called Squashing Commits.
- git reset filename.txt undoes adding a file.
Create repository
- In the command line, type git init <project name> to create a folder that’s a Git repo.
- Add the repository to Github Desktop and push it through Github Desktop.
Clone Repository
- git clone <repo>— clones repository and puts into the same folder that command is run from. The repository will be in GridWorldMDP folder
- git clone <repo> putIntoThisFolder — same as above but puts GridWorldMDP repository into putIntoThisFolder.
Submit changes
- git status to list new or modified files not yet committed
- git add <file>
- git commit -m “<commit message>”
- git push to push the code to the repository. If it fails since the code needs to be pulled first, do:
- git pull — this will do a git fetch and a git merge. (assuming no merge conflicts, go on to the next steps)
- git push
Revert changes
- git revert <commit_number>
- then :wq to save in VIM
- then rebase
Rebasing with Merge Conflicts
- Commit my code to mainline
- git pull — rebase
- If merge conflicts, read the super-helpful tips in the terminal. Basically just
- Do a git diff to resolve the merge conflicts I have
- I think next do a git rebase — continue
Head is not on the main branch — Put changes on top of the head
A somewhat useful tutorial for git pull
- Do a git log to get the commit number corresponding to the changes you made. Save it for step 5.
- Get the branch we need. Try: git pull origin <branch_name> or git checkout <branch>
- Do git branch to make sure we’re on correct branch
- Do git reset — hard <commit_number> using the actual 7-digit (or full) commit number, to put changes on top of the branch we just switched to. Use commit number from step 1.
- If not on the latest commit, do a git pull — rebase. Note: this command doesn’t create a merge commit, so it makes other people’s code diverge from what they had.
- git stash — moves your changes to a stash (a location where changes can be saved)
- git stash save “Custom Message” — stashes changes, with a custom message.
- git stash apply — applies saved changes to your branch. Code also stays in stash.
- git stash pop — applies saved changes to your branch. Code is removed stash.
- git stash show stash@{1} -p — shows diff for stash@{1} (the 1st entry in the stash). Remove the -p to get abbreviated diff.
- git stash list — shows all stashes.
- More stash commands, and even More stash commands
Stash topmost commit
- git reset HEAD^ — basically like an uncommit
- git stash (this may not stash new files. Maybe try “tracking” the new files to see if this works)
Merge Branch
To merge 1 branch into another, go to the “giving branch” and do a git pull. Then go to receiving branch, and run 1 of the following merge commands:
- git merge <branch_name> — Run this from receiving branch. More info here
- git merge <commit_number_from_another_branch> — Merges another branch (up to the commit number) into this branch.
Create a new branch and upstream it
- git checkout -b myNewBranch — creates branch
- git push — set-upstream origin myNewBranch — tells the remote server that a new branch has been created locally so that it can recreate the same branch
“Checkout” or “Pull” not working
A common mistake is to modify files on the local machine, and then try to do a “checkout” or “pull”. The problem is the checkout/pull will overwrite what we have. If we do want to OVERWRITE our files, we can erase our changes by typing git reset — hard HEAD. Then we can checkout/pull without problems, which gets us the remote files.
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